Support Us
To achieve the global reach and scale that we aspire to, we need your support to meet the goals of BORA Blue Ocean Research Alliance®.
We would like to work with organisations, businesses and individuals to support scientific projects that will make a real impact on our oceans for a sustainable future.
If you have a project that would benefit from involvement with BORA Blue Ocean Research Alliance® or wish to get involved through site and infrastructure access, funding or other forms of support we would like to hear from you.
Work with an Alliance that is undertaking a major environmental initiative.
Reasons to support our work
BORA Blue Ocean Research Alliance® prioritises Client Sustainability goals, while adding value for investors, supporters and other stakeholders. This engages onshore and offshore teams to highlight environmental initiatives and build pride, with positive scientific elements incorporating their knowledge and interest. Clients and supporters have the opportunity to emphasise their inclusion in the Alliance and use the branding, logos, and gathered data to put their most sustainable foot forward! The wider scientific value is arguably the most important reason to support our work, with published open access data increasing environmental credentials and consideration, aligning with the Client’s science strategy to strive for environmental leadership.
Help us take science with us as we venture beneath the seas to work towards a sustainable future.
Data Sharing Legalities
Intellectual Property
The provisions relating to Intellectual Property rights, Publication and Confidentiality are subject to, and should be read and constructed in conjunction with any funding agreement and any agreement entered between Subsea7 and clients or other supporters as a condition to the client agreeing to any project being conducted that involves or touches upon that client’s interests or Subsea7’s work for the client.
The highest level of oversight and governance for the Alliance is provided by a Steering Committee comprising of representatives from Subsea7 and NOC.
Data Sharing
The data collected through the Alliance will be available to the scientific communities, though NOC will not publish or share any data without the approval of Subsea7 and relevant clients or supporters, who assisted in providing that data.