What is BORA Blue Ocean Research Alliance®?
BORA Blue Ocean Research Alliance® is an innovative relationship between National Oceanography Centre and Subsea7 that enables greater access for scientists to build knowledge and understanding of the world’s oceans. Together we accelerate research, promote collaboration and drive technological innovations in ocean science across the globe.

Did you know the Alliance is endorsed by the UN Ocean Decade?
BORA Blue Ocean Research Alliance® is endorsed by the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, which aims to support efforts to reverse the cycle of decline in ocean health and gather ocean stakeholders worldwide to create improved conditions for sustainable development of the ocean.
This highly regarded endorsement was received in August 2023, with BORA Blue Ocean Research Alliance® being one of the first Industry/Science Alliances to be endorsed by the UN Ocean Decade.
Learn more about the UN Ocean Decade and BORA Blue Ocean Research Alliance®.